Thursday, September 17, 2009

The New Hell’s Angels Recruits!

My, my, my….I just laughed and laughed and laughed at this email from Ma and Pa aka Aunt CB and Uncle Jack:

“ Your mother and I have been talking about our two cars lately. The main problem is that they take up so much room in the garage that we have little room for other important things like lawn tools, garbage bags and beer. We are also thinking green, so much better mileage would be great.
We happened to be discussing this with some friends from Lockport recently and they had a suggestion that met all our requirements. So check out the pictures to see the two new vehicles we are now proudly driving, much to the amazement of our neighbors!! Included is a picture of our Lockport friends.
Mom & Dad”

My brother Jim warned them: “Are we still driving you two to the Taylor Reunion or do you want to follow along on your motorcycles?

P.S. I don't want to see you two pulling stunts in front of our house for our wheelies or screeching tires!”

Thank you, Charlie and Mary Hawkes for creating this wonderful scene!


Sue Kinsella said...

I saw the article last night that 26 motorcyclists from the Brothers Speed "outlaw motorcyclists" club wrecked their bikes on the freeway outside Portland, OR. An SUV in front of them slowed down suddenly and the motorcyclists couldn't stop. The police said motorcycles were strewn all across the freeway.

And what shocked them so that they had to stop so suddenly? Mom and Dad, were you doing wheelies on a cross-country tour?!?

Diana said...

Wild Thang! My mom is still laughing at those pix on the cycles.