Sunday, September 20, 2009

Taylor Reunion, 2009: By Pat Kinsella Herdeg, Pictures by Jack Kinsella

Great reunion—Thanks to Kathy and Annie, and Uncle Harold, of course, for doing the tough work of hosting, again!!

The day was sunny and warm, and only became cool as the wind came up and the sun decided to disappear. But, the food was terrific, and the desserts were gone way too soon.

Lots of games and discussions and pictures shown and stories told—so good to see everyone again and at least get and give a hug to all of you.

Love you all!!

Picture One: Uncle Harold
Picture Two: Chris, Patrick, Maggie, Sara, Maddy
Picture Three: Gordy and Jeff
Picture Four: Jess
Picture Five: The Maneys—Mike, Lorraine, Jon and Jill

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