Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Birthdays, 2012

"The sun was warm but the wind was chill.

You know how it is with an April day.
When the sun is out and the wind is still,
You're one month on in the middle of May.
But if you so much as dare to speak,
a cloud come over the sunlit arch,
And wind comes off a frozen peak,
And you're two months back in the middle of March."
                                 - Robert Frost, Two Tramps in Mud Time, 1926

I love this poem—the ‘tramps’ reminds me of Uncle Adin hitching rides on trains and staying at hobo camps, and yes, April CAN be mud month. Not sure that will happen this year—too little precipitation and too much heat. BUT, April also has Cousins Birthdays! So, let’s begin:

 Judy Lochner

Rick, Sarah, Laurie

In Aunt Esther’s family, Laurie Acker Lochner (Rick’s wife), and Judith Powers Lochner (Ted’s wife) both have birthdays in April.

In the Old-Timers Group, William Carson, father of Emma Carson was born in April.

In Uncle Harold’s family, Jessie Taylor Spear (Mary Lou’s son) is the Birthday boy of the month.

In Aunt Doris’ family, Charles William Hawkes , Kelly Marlene Walker ( Cindy’s daughter), and Esther Grace Walker, (daughter of Justin and Sharon Walker, grand-daughter of Cindy Hawkes) all have birthdays in April.
Mary, Charlie Hawkes

In Aunt Gladys’ family, Gladys Howland Wood herself is the Birthday Girl. But, she has lots of family to celebrate the month with her--Michael F. Wood (Glady’s son), Aedyn Langstaff (Kathryn Wood Barron’s grandson), and Adin Lester Hart-Wood (son of Joshua Hart-Wood) all have birthdays to celebrate in April.


In Aunt Ruth’s family, Marlene Ann Maney (Richard’s daughter) celebrates this month.

In Aunt Phyllis’ family, Rhoda Lynn Coleman (Phyllis’ daughter), Sheila Ann Coleman (Phyllis’ daughter), and Bernard C. Walker (Dawn Coleman’s—Phyllis’ daughter-husband) are all the Birthday Kids.


In Aunt CB’s family, Rosemary Holz Kinsella (Tim’s wife) and her son Paul Christopher Kinsella ,  and Kelly Ann Kinsella (Jim’s daughter) all blow out candles.

In Aunt Leona’s family, Neil Carmen Maffei, Jr. (Leona’s son) is the birthday kid.

In Uncle Floyd’s family, Pamela Taylor Crane (daughter of Bryant and Evelyn Taylor) has a birthday to celebrate.
 Neil, Dorothy, Aunt Leona

Pam, Lance, Amanda, Evelyn, Charlie

In Uncle Arnon’s family, Michael Anthony McCarty (Diana’s son), Krista Elaine Taylor, (daughter of Jennifer Taylor, grand-daughter of Bob Taylor), Graham Alan Wright (Donnie’s son, grandson of Nancy), and Gabrielle Michelle Letourneau (Cynthia's daughter, 1st grandchild of Nancy Taylor Wright) all celebrate this April.



Congratulations to everyone! An Irish Toast to end the April Birthdays:

We drink to your coffin. May it be built from the wood of a hundred year old oak tree that I shall plant tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a wonderful month of April!


  1. I love that poem!! Never saw it before! And how you manage to make all the birthdays so interesting I will never know! AS for me, every April I miss Gladys again and always! My other half , the one whom I so seldom got to spend GOOD talking time with! Someday!!

  2. Great job as always, Pat! Thank you for all your work on this site. I really love you lots and appreciate you.
    CB - I too think of my Mom in April. It would be hard to not. I miss that woman a lot. She would have loved all the grandkids. I love you lots too!

  3. Thank you so much Pat ! Great job !! I think it's amazing looking at the pictures that are posted for April birthdays .. I love how you have Gladys who would be great grandmother to both Aedyn and my little Adin .... !! Thanks once again and I hope to talk to you soon !! Aunt Kathryn ... if you ever get some free time call me my number's the same !! lOVE ALL .. BRANDY EMMA AND ADIN

  4. Brandy,

    Yes, let's catch up on skype some time!

    Look for a story about Aunt CB and Gladys on Aunt Gladys' birthday.

    Love you,
