Monday, March 26, 2012

Aunt CB's 85th Birthday Party!

Uncle Jack and Aunt CB

Aunt CB and Cam, her great grandson

Aunt CB and Leah, her great granddaugther

Yesterday, The Kinsellas held a very successful birthday party for Aunt CB’s 85th Birthday. While her real birthday was on March 21st, this date was best for all concerned.

Jim’s wife Jill looked high and low for a restaurant that would take a reservation for 21 people, preferably in a separate room, and preferably in Greece, NY. Not an easy job. However, after a lot of sweet talk, DaVinci's Restaurant in Greece agreed.

The group enjoyed a family style lunch of salad, spaghetti and meatballs, eggplant parmesan , chicken french and chicken nuggets for the kids. We topped it off with a big birthday cake.

Dad told me ‘We all sang "Happy Birthday" but forgot about the "Spanking Machine."

Wish I could have been there for the big celebration—Happy 85th Birthday, Mom!

 Liz Lehmann and Dan Kinsella

Tim, Jim, Chris, Matt Kinsella
MOM---Many, many more years of health, great stories, and wonderful laughs.

Love you!


  1. Happy Belated Birtday, CB!!! I love you a lot!! I was going to leave some ornery comments about your age and my Mom's but I probably wouldn't do well. I keep thinking about stuff SHE would have been able to say to you. I know you know what I mean. Think about it and, tell me, can't you just hear her laughing somewhere? You are loved a lot.

  2. A grand party for a grand lady--you're very special, Aunt CB! Wish I could have been there, but you know my heart and spirit were there giving you a big hug! Love ya MUCH!!

  3. Kathryn, I have been thinking of her so much lately! You know she would have had some jibes to send my way and I miss them!! Dramatic, yes, she was but funny? A roar!! She would have helped me cope with what I live with now, BUT maybe she IS helping!!
    The party was great! Unaccostumed as I am with being the center of attention, I enjoyed it all and only wished more could have been there> I am so grateful to Jill for all the running around she did! And is is such fun to see the grankids enjoying one another as we used to when we cousins got together! I doubt we could sleep 4 crosswise in a bed today as we used to! But I hear they can giggle as much as we did !!
    Thanks for your love, you know I consider you all mine now!!

  4. CB-Happy Belated Birthday!!! I am so happy you had a family get together for your birthday.I plan on writing a letter soon-time has gotten away from me this winter.Love You !!!!!
