Thursday, January 18, 2018

Happy Birthday, Evelyn Taylor!

Evelyn Taylor

From Pat Kinsella Herdeg, Blog Editor:
Readers of this cousins blog know Evelyn well. She has written many of our family history stories throughout the decade we have been writing about ‘a-cousining’ and family history and what we all are up to.

I am so grateful to have Evelyn as my partner in crime as I continue to come with ideas for this blog. Her ideas (Favorite Cars, Favorite Pets, and Favorite Places to Visit) have led to some of our most interactive stories.

Thank you, Evelyn, and Happy Birthday!

Lance, son of Evelyn writes:

Best Mom! Best Friend Ever !!!

Pam, daughter of Evelyn writes:

What I love about Mom is:

  • ·        She is independent.

  • ·        She is willing to try / explore new things even at 95 years of age. Recently I asked her to celebrate the full moon with me. We went outdoors at 7 that night and drummed to the full moon --- connecting with people around the world.

  • ·        Patriotic - flies her flag and insists it not be tattered

  • ·        Traditions, especially Christmas ones, are important to her

  • ·        Mom sets a beautiful table (Editor Pat can attest to this; loved the lunch she and my Mom CB Taylor Kinsella and I all shared)

  • ·        A fun travel companion

  • ·        People are important to her - family, friends, those in need

  • ·        Keeps up with technology - Kindle, smartphone, email, facebook, Internet searching

  • ·        She has a fantastic memory - keeps up with her kids’ doctor appointments to remembering stories from her childhood to our last travel experience

  • ·        Nobody can beat her cooking and baking (apple pie, sour cream cookies, pecan rolls, angel food cake); although if she gives you a recipe - watch out. Mom has been known to leave out key ingredients!

  • ·        Loves to entertain - parties, ladies teas, quiet gatherings

  • ·        Loves to read

  • ·        Loves her family

  • ·        Loves to dance - with my dad, Bryant

·        And lastly, tries to understand me - often shakes her head - but, always loves me.

Shiloh, granddaughter of Evelyn writes:

Shiloh and Evelyn

Dear Nanny,

Wow! 96 years of having fabulous you in our lives. Living in New Zealand until recently, most of my memories of you involve phone calls, taped messages that we would eagerly listen to on the cassette tape recorder (vintage !!!!) and fantastically written "memories" stories sent over email, however I do remember that trip you and Grandpa took to visit us. Among many other things, you let hyperactive, cold-feeted grandchildren jump into bed with you bright and early in the mornings. 

Since moving to Toronto I have been lucky to spend more time with you. I always enjoy watching your favourite movies with you (Splendour in the Grass!) and eagerly gobbling up those cinnamon rolls that I used to request each time I visited....until the time we made them together and I realized just how much work they were!!!!!

Happy birthday Nanny! Sending you lots of love on your special day.

Shiloh xx

Lance, Evelyn, Pam, Mitch and Bryant

Lucille (CB) Taylor, first cousin to Bryant writes:
Evelyn is such an amazing and creative person. One of my first memories of her is going over to Bryant and her home. In their bathroom, three of the walls were white and one was black. Evelyn had put out a white marking pencil, and everyone who wanted to added thoughts or sayings to the wall. I had never seen anything like that—so fun!
Eve also is a wondrous seamstress, making Pam’s wedding dress, which was so lovely.
I really got to know Eve (pronounced like ‘Evie’) during Bryant’s last illness. Lance, their oldest son, interrupted his life to return home and help with his father’s hospice care. I would drive down from Rochester and take Eve out to lunch to give her a change of scenery. During those many luncheon talks, we became very close.
Over the years, Eve and I have continued to hang together, through thick and thin, using emails and now phone calls. She is an only child. When my three sisters were gone, I missed our sisters’ back and forth. So, Eve graciously became my adopted sister, and I know she feels the same. 
Happy Birthday, Sis!

1 comment:

  1. How I have loved visiting with Eve in person and through email over the past (Pat, can it possibly be?!?) decade of this blog. I'm inspired that she's still writing wonderful stories in her 90s. I've been delighted with a couple of those beautifully laid-out luncheons, as well, and marveled at the care she takes with them. I've been impressed with her extensive collection of kitchen graters for so many different kinds of foods that I had had no idea even GET grated. I'm grateful for all the new stories that she brings to us about our family. Happy Birthday, Eve - Thank you for all the joy you bring to us! Love, Sue
