Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The 2017 Taylor Reunion by Pat Kinsella Herdeg

 Aunt CB and Uncle Jack
Julie and Cyndi
Saturday was sunny and warm, with just a breeze, the perfect day for a get together of the Clan. More than 40 of our Taylor relatives and friends showed up, and Aunt CB and Uncle Jack stayed for most of the afternoon.

 The Lochners

 Pat and Dan 

So good to see so many of my cousins, as children from each of Lloyd and Ethel’s children came to this year’s event.

Plenty of good food, stories, laughter, and pictures taken.

 Charlie Hawkes Family
 Carol Ann and Aunt CB

 Joyce and her daughter, Liz
After our meal, while elderberry pie and birthday cake (for Dan’s Mother-in-law Joyce Lehmann) were being consumed, Aunt CB told the story of how these reunions came into being—forged by she and her siblings after the death of their mother stunned them. She hoped that someone other than she would now take on the project of getting the park reservation, sending out the invitations, etc. Cousin Charlie Lochner offered for next year.
Then, Mom once again told the story of the Taylor Flag, as this reunion was the first to have both the original flag and a wonderful reproduction (thank you Jon Maney!).

Nancy Made it from Florida!

A Taylor Reunion to remember—with no rain!


  1. It was so much fun to see everyone - many of whom I had not seen for a very long time. The weather was perfection and the food plentiful!

  2. "A wonderful time was had by all!"

  3. It was so good seeing everyone again after an absence of 6 years, you really don't know how much you miss going to them until you go again and see all the fun you have missed. We have a wonderful family and so many good memories to dig up when talking to others and it was very refreshing! So much love shared by all and such a good time had by all. Always much good food and those elderberry pies!!! I miss my elderberry bushes I was growing in Lake Helen as then I could have my own pies in Florida. Much love to all of my beautiful family!
