Tuesday, September 27, 2016

2016 Taylor Reunion! Pictures by Richard Maney and Chuck Lochner, Tim and Rose Kinsella

A few Saturdays ago, we held our annual Taylor Reunion. It was a terrific success, as always. For the first time in decades, we were back at Cayuga Lake State Park, in an log cabin from the 1930's. This gave us plenty of room IF it had rained, but we were lucky in that department. So, we could take over the entire inside of the cabin and the outside with its views of the lake, the playground, and each other!

Aunt CB and Uncle Jack could not make it, but we all caught up with our cousins just the same. Plenty of food, desserts, wine and pop for all the generations.

Here are a few pictures. Enjoy!

And, some more! Remember if you click on the individual picture, it was get larger for you to see more easily.

Later in the afternoon, Jim Kinsella, along with Jon and Jill Maney, explained about our precious Taylor Flag. Such a keepsake to have at Reunions such as these!

Until next year!


  1. The one event i look for all year, this reunion! And my BP explodes! Well, I enjoy the pictures! How very happy my sisters , Ruth and Esther would be to see their kids there! Ruth would have brought her donutsd and Es, her breakfast rolls! And I missed all the excitement about the flag! Well, next year! Love you ALL!

  2. Missed Uncle Jack and Aunt CB. Rest was Grand. But, I wish we weren't such good cooks. Haven't had to eat since then. I so enjoy seeing everyone.
