Monday, October 5, 2015

Taylor Reunion Time! By Aunt CB

It was another great Taylor Reunion on Saturday September 19th!

It was a lovely reunion day, bookended by rain on both ends. With Uncle Harold in the nursing home, all were very aware of the shortness of life. Everyone was able to circulate well and a good time was had by all. I am sure that Aunt Ruth was pleased because her four boys were there and all we missed were her fried cakes!

The Clan, Seated

Bridget Kinsella, Maddy Kinsella, Kelly Kinsella, Leah Walker, CB Taylor Kinsella, Jack Kinsella, Ted Lochner (slightly behind Jack Kinsella), Abby Hauf, Jonah Hauf

Standing (Row Behind Seated Row)

Kathy Taylor Mills, Jen Dalle Kinsella with arm around Joe Kinsella, Maggie Kinsella, Laurie Lochner, Rosemary Holz Kinsella, Annie Taylor Catherman, Dan Kinsella (behind Annie), Judy Taylor Alberts, Tim Kinsella (behind Judy), Jessica Catherman Rooks, Chris Kinsella, Karen Maney, Lorraine Maney, Marlene Maney, Debbie Maney, Kathleen Maney, Anna Bresovski (David Lochner’s friend)

 Back Row

Gordy Mills, Rick Lochner, Olivia Rooks, Erik Rooks, Jill Miller Kinsella, Jim Kinsella, Dan Maney (behind Chris Kinsella), Michael Maney, Chuck Lochner, Colleen Maney (behind Debbie Maney), Richard Maney, Dave Lochner

 Dan Kinsella
 Rick Lochner
 Aunt CB

Uncle Jack

 Hanging out by the Lake

Checking out the Taylor Flag

Until next year!


  1. Love it! Especially the inspired choice of the picture at the top, with Uncle Harold skedaddling down a waterfall on a boat cushion. Priceless!

    So wonderful to see all the Reunion pictures. I have to give a lot of great big thank you's to my Dad, Uncle Jack, and my cousin, Chuck Lochner, who take so many wonderful pictures at events like this. Especially for those of us, like me, who don't get to a lot of the events, they help me feel as though I "sorta" was there, and it is so great to see so many of my dear extended family. Over the years, as I can see from Dad's pictures from reunions decades ago, pictures like these become more and more precious. As do all my relatives!


  2. I agree, Sue. So glad Mom continues to do write ups for blog stories and these reunions, and so glad Dad continues to take pictures. Yes, Cousin Chuck--thank you for all the family events you take pictures at. We geographically far family truly appreciate it!

  3. RE the picture of Harold--"Oh, great Days"
    But he was using my boat cushion and he ruined it!

  4. Yeah, Dad, but he's clearly having such a great time! If it ruined your boat cushion, I don't want to think what it would have done to his behind without it! Better, the boat cushion.

  5. Uncle Harold was going down the slide to the "cement pond" in Algonquin Park, not far from where Tom Thompson painted "Jack Pine" , near the Archay entrance to the park. Several of us camped nearby and spent the day swimming in this wonderful, natural, swimming hole. It was probably in the late '70s.
