Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Almost Trip By Evelyn Taylor

Pam and Evelyn

A trip to remember was about to happen.  For five months my daughter Pam and I were planning a two week trip to Paris, the French Riviera, Germany, along the Rhine, Belgium and back to Paris.

As a French major in college, it was a dream- come- true.  Our plans had stays in a hotel just off the Champs Elysees, and in an ancient inn on a canal in Belgium.  We were to experience the fast train to the Riviera and the piece de resistance was a $200 each dinner and show at the Folies Bergere on our last night.

The departure date of Tuesday September 18th was fast approaching, so I had started to lay my things on the twin bed in my room.  Organization was vital for such a trip--- money had been deposited in an AAA account, plane fare paid, and all reservations made on line.

Just one week before, on Tuesday September 11th, the world was turned upside down.  As I was watching the news that fatal morning, I saw the first plane crash into one of the twin towers.  I was horrified that such an ACCIDENT had happened.  Only minutes later, when another plane struck the second tower, did it dawn on me that these were not accidents.  Confirmation that these were acts of terrorism came from news of the Pentagon crash and the aborted Pennsylvania attempt on the White House or Capitol.

It was not until the next day that the realization that our trip was off came to us.  Where to begin?  We e-mailed and canceled all reservations, and were given nothing but sympathy for our losses; plane fare was refunded within a month, AAA money returned.

The cancellation of our trip was nothing compared to the deaths of 3000 people from all walks of life and from many countries besides America.  We feel the horror and heartache of 9/11 to this day.

For more thoughts on 9/11, follow this link to see what we wrote on the ten year anniversary.


  1. Evelyn,

    So sorry you did not get your trip in! And yes, it is still difficult to think about 9/11.


  2. On Sept 11, 2001 I was getting ready to leave on a trip, too, two days after. Alex had just started third grade and I took itineraries with all my contact information in to his teacher and the other parents of families he would stay with while I was off on a business fund-raising trip. Watching the morning news was not part of our routine, so it was all a shock to me when I learned what had happened. Needless to say, the itineraries were not needed. I went home and watched the news for hours, praying that I wouldn't have to go on my trip. I only wanted to spend the next several days holding my son and being with friends. When, late that afternoon, I got a call canceling the trip, I was so grateful.

    It reminded me of another friend of mine, also a single mom, who was just about to leave for a new dance class in the fall of 1989. This was unusual for her but she had decided to take a risk and do something good for herself. At the last minute, though, she thought, "No, I want to be with my son" who was about 10 at the time. A few minutes later, the ground began to shake violently and we had the biggest earthquake that had occurred here since 1906. If she had left when she intended to, she would have been on the bridge that collapsed. I've always thought how profound it was, and what a double meaning, that she had stayed home "because I want to be with my son."

    Yet many others didn't get that opportunity.

  3. Dear Eve,
    What a bummer! Yes, God does work in mysterious ways BUT hard to see that as a blessing! I know that TOM and Joan Doran were on their way to Scotland when that occured. Just remember that they said that EVERYONE was so kind to them but their trip was really a sad one! Thoughts of home!

  4. One more comment! 9-11 was Doris' birthday and I usually tried those last years to be with her on that Day. Thus I was, glued to the TV with her! Tears all over the place! Steve brought us each a lobster tail which we enjoyed, but Diris' loud lament was " why? why" and on MY birthday!! "
