Friday, August 7, 2015

Mickey Hawkes--You will be Missed!

My first cousin Carter Michael Hawkes, known as Mickey, died this past Friday. The oldest son of Uncle Bud and Aunt Doris (Taylor) Hawkes, Mickey had been in the hospital for a short time, and it came as a shock around cousin country.

 Mickey and Jan
Steve, Mickey, Aunt Dot, Cindy, Charlie
August 1961

Mickey, Steve
September 1964

Many Thanks to Cousin Chuck Lochner for most of these pictures. Uncle Jack Kinsella took the older photos (Thanks, Pops!).

Mickey’s youngest brother, Charlie, wrote to us:

We thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

Our Love to all of you,
" Those Pesky Hawkes Kids"


  1. Wish I could have been there for the Hawkes, but glad to see that various other cousins could make the trip to Lockport.

    Thinking of the entire Hawkes family.

    Lots of Love and Hugs,

  2. So good to see pictures of the Hawkes family. Thank you, Chuck, for taking them and also for the ones you sent in email. I'm needing IDs on a lot of them, though - we don't seem to look much like we did when we were kids, do we?!?

    So sorry about Mickey. Much too soon. I'm still trying to make sense of it. Such a big hole to lose a sibling . . . or even, for me, a cousin just a little bit older than me!

    Love to Steve, Cindy and Charlie, and love to all of my greater circle of cousins, too.

  3. Aunt CB writes:

    Every one of you cousins is special! Each and Every one has brought 'Happy Laughs' to we 'Elder Taylors' over the years.

    Mick's life did not follow the path he wanted but when he was left with four little kids, he 'bellied up' and raised them with the help of Doris and Jan. He is to be commended!
