Monday, July 14, 2014

Summer Time from Years Ago

It is summer time and the watermelon, loons, flowers and heat are out! Some of us vacation at lakes, and some of us vacation in the mountains.

But, hopefully we ALL get to have reunions with family and people we love. Here are some pictures from years past:

Kate Youngs Baker, Aunt CB and baby Sue Kinsella, and Uncle Adin
I LOVE this picture, which is why we have had it on the blog before. From June of 1952, it is a picture of Lucille Taylor Kinsella (Aunt CB)'s grandmother--Kate--and Kate's son, Adin, along with Lucille's oldest child, Susan Ethel.
Tom and Pat Kinsella, Ann Taylor and Beth Kinsella
This is from a Baker Reunion in September 1964. Yup, nothing like cousin power and great food!

Bob Taylor, Aunt Doris Taylor Hawkes
This is from a Taylor Reunion in 1980.  Love the smiles on both!

Doris Taylor Hawkes, Ruth Taylor Maney, Lucille Taylor Kinsella, Harold Taylor

Ahh, those four were siblings to watch out for! This is from the same Taylor Reunion as above--1980.

 Dick Lochner, Harold Taylor

Taylor Reunion, 1983--Telling fishing stories no doubt!

Chuck Lochner, Barb Buck Taylor, Nancy Taylor Wright, Arnon Taylor
Another Reunion picture from 1983. This is Chuck Lochner and Aunt Barb, and Uncle Arnon and his oldest child, Nancy.
Harold, Arnon, Ruth, Lucille, Doris
The five amigos--missing only Esther in this picture taken at the Taylor reunion in 1989.
Hope you ALL have a grand summer filled with laughter, stories, watermelon seed spitting contests, and shooting stars!


  1. Ah yes, it seems like only yesterday! Missed the watermelon pictures tho!

  2. Love that first picture, too! It's one of my most favorites ever of Mom, and I love how Adin looks like he's just about to say something wry, if he can only manage to stifle just outright laughing. Even I look good, which is a VERY rare lifetime trait. Not one of the best of Grandma Kate, but I am so glad to see her here.

    And then the background of the weatherbeaten clapboard on the house that Adin built with his own hands. In my imagination, I am opening that front door and entering into the living room, with its big wood-burning stove, that still lives so vitally in my memory.

  3. Wonderful pictures!

  4. Must correct you Sue, Adin did not build the house, it is a "Sears and Roebuck" or "MOntgomery Ward" one, pre built and bought to be sent to site and erected! Gladys helped him pick it out! He did collect stones from fields for years for the foundation and some lumber came from his woods.
    Before Byron died there was talk of cutting out a lot and building a house for he and Grandma Kate. [ so I read!} Never happened. In her old age, Adin decided to make it easier for both He and Grandma and he had this built. She never really appreciated it and mourned for "HER " old house BUT she was so blind by then that it must have been hard for her to keep house! Less work for Adin, at least!
    Remember his lawn mower? [ he let the cows in to graze front yard!!}

  5. Gosh!!! We were all so skinny and good looking back then. Now I look in the mirror and it scares the HELL out of me!! What happened??

  6. They are wonderful pictures! We have some great memories growing up! XO

  7. Today, July 30, is Grandma Taylor's 127th birthday. I appreciate her for so many memories, not least of which is that she is my only other co-member of "The Ethel Club," since she is Nancy Ethel. I still think of her often and how I wish I could go talk with her about what she's been reading and about her early memories.

    Happy Birthday, Grandma!
    Susan Ethel

  8. Thanks Sue, for the reminder. Happy Birthday, Grandma! I so wish I could make a cup of tea and share it with you as we talked over family stories!

