Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Welcome to the World, Tristan James Alberts!

Judy and Jimmy Taylor Alberts are grand parents! Judy writes:

Tristan and Zach

I have very exciting news! Our first grandson was born on May 6th.

Zach (Judy and Jimmy’s son) and Andrea's new bundle of joy weighed 7lbs.2oz. Judy and Jimmy ( in Florida) cannot wait to meet the little guy who lives all the way across the country in Washington state.

And Uncle Harold? That makes him a great grandfather again!

Aunt Mallory and Tristan
Congratulations Zach and Andrea, Judy and Jimmy, Uncle Harold and ALL the Waterloo Taylors for this wonderful new addition to the TaylorBaker Family Clan!


  1. How wonderful! A Good weight, I do hope he is a good sleeper! That helps! Congratulations to ALL!

  2. Congratulations! How exciting!

    BTW, I don't think I've ever seen a picture of Mallory before. Wow, does she ever look like the Taylor girls! Beautiful!

  3. Wonderful addition to this family!

  4. Thanks to everyone! We are very excited and will visit Seattle in August. Tristan will be 3 months and show a bit more personality.
