Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Dirty Girl Run 2013—For Aunt Doris By Mary and Krissy Hawkes

Mary Hawkes writes:


“Last year Krissy and I and a bunch of cousins did the Dirty Girl Run in Memory of Doris (see http://taylorbakercousins.blogspot.com/2012/10/the-dirty-girl-mud-run-by-mary-hawkes.html  for last year’s story on the blog).”

Mary and Krissy BEFORE the event. Notice how CLEAN they are

Event organizers proclaim: “The Dirty Girl 5K Mud Run series is now the premiere women’s mud run event, with more fun, more obstacles, more girl power, more creativity, more high fives, more excitement and, of course, more mud than any other mud run can muster. Additionally, Dirty Girl Mud Run continues to support breast cancer awareness and research, donating more monetary support to this worthy cause every year.”

Mary continues: “It was just Krissy and me this year. Next year however will be huge as Krissy is putting together a bigger group.

 Now, NOT so clean!
Had a blast!”



  1. Mary and Krissy,

    Thanks so much for sending these pictures on--looks like SO much fun!

    Aunt Dot is right there with you, getting down and dirty.


  2. IN her hayday Doris would have had the most fun of all! I can see the tears in her eyes now as she realizes anew how beloved she is!!!
