Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Happy Birthday Grandma Taylor--Nancy Ethel Baker Taylor

My Grandma has a birthday today! So, even though you are no longer with us, I will sing a chorus of 'Happy Birthday' for you and remember your stories, your smile, your cooking.

And, from our Taylor Cookbook, a few of Grandma's recipes:

Toffee and Coffee Cake:
1 egg
½ C. milk
½ C. sugar
2 C. flour
½ t. salt
3 t. baking powder
½ C. salad oil
Bake 20-30 minutes at 375 degrees

4 T. butter
4 T. flour
1 C. brown sugar
Mix until crumbly and spread on coffee cake before baking

Raisin Pudding:
All the kids loved this pudding.
Syrup--1/2 C. brown sugar
            2 C. water
            ½ C. raisins
            1 T. butter
Cook slowly for 5 minutes
Batter--1 T. butter
            ¼ C. white sugar
            1 T. baking powder
            1 C. flour
            ½ C. milk
Drop batter by spoonfuls onto a baking dish, pour hot raisin syrup over and bake until brown (30 minutes).

Brown Betty:
Layer of bread crumbs into buttered baking dish. Dot with small pieces of butter, then layer of sliced apples, covered with this mixture--
1 C. sugar
Repeat layers until full. Add ½ C. water.
Bake in 350 degree oven

Happy Birthday, Grandma Taylor!

Love you.


  1. Happy birthday, grandma.

  2. Susan Ethel KinsellaJuly 30, 2013 at 10:26 PM

    The first (the only) full set of dishes I ever bought was blue and white because I loved the blue and white dishes that Grandma Taylor had in her kitchen cupboards. I think hers were of Chinese scenes and mine are of English scenes, but I still use these dishes all the time and think of her often.

    I'm also proud that we share a middle name, although I went through some years of reluctance at telling people that my middle name was Ethel. Then I went through a brief time of thinking about using Ethel as my primary name. Now I'm just glad that Grandma is my partner in The Ethel Club.

    I still remember her voice. I wish I could talk to her now, when I can think of so many more things I'd like to ask her than I could when I was little.

    Happy Birthday, Grandma, from all of us who are alive because of you.

  3. Happy Birthday, Aunt Ethel!

    Pat, thanks for sharing these old-fashion recipes. I can't wait to try them out. They remind me of my grandmaother's cooking, although she did not cook with a recipe, so I do not have any of hers to try.

