Monday, June 10, 2013

Favorite Pets, By Carol Ann Taylor Hart

Growing up in Warners, NY we had a lot of different pets.  We had a pony named Tinker, a rooster named Leonard, parakeets Romeo and Juliet, and several dogs and cats. 
My dad Arnon’s favorite pet was Leonard--we would keep him in the house when he was little and when he got bigger Dad made a pen for him.  My dad had said that when he grew bigger that we would eat him.  I cannot even count on my fingers and toes how many times my dad went out to kill him only to end up playing with Leonard instead, then he would come in the house and my Mom (knowing what the answer would be) asked if he had killed Leonard, and he said 'Nope, just went out to play with him'.  Mom and I laughed.   


  1. Carol Ann,

    I smile every time I read this story--wonderful!!

    I can see Uncle Arnon going out to 'do the deed' and yes, coming back in because really, HOW can you kill a cute thing like Leonard!

    Thank you for sharing this,


  2. Arnon grew up with Tommy , our rooster who came in the kitchen every Sunday AM. He was certainly KING of the roost as all the hens bowed to him!!
    Glad to hear he continued on with his pets!

  3. Sweet story, Carol Ann! Thanks for writing it.
    This story is so cute!
    I love the vision of your Dad going out to 'kill' the rooster and then playing with him.
    I can just imagine your Mom 'asking' him if he killed Leonard.
    I imagine she had a lot of fun with that!

  4. Julie(Lochner)riberJune 13, 2013 at 2:48 PM

    He's a cocky looking rooster!
