Saturday, May 11, 2013

Welcome to the World, Aaron Timothy Walker!

Aaron Timothy Walker

My niece Kristin wrote us with exciting news this past Monday—she had just given birth to her third child. She and her family have been waiting for little Aaron’s arrival. Previous to his birth, he was known as ‘Sweetie’ to Cam and Leah. I am sure they were very happy to have a real name for their ‘Sweetie’.

  Kristin writes:

 Hi everyone,

We are very happy to announce that Cameron and Leah have a little brother!

Here are his stats:
- Aaron Timothy Walker (first name is just one we liked, middle name is after his Daddy and Poppa, of course)

- Born Monday, May 6th at 11:06am (a very accommodating little guy - waited until we got Leah to daycare and Cameron on the bus to go to kindergarten before he started putting any real pressure on Mama!)

 - 8 pounds, 7 ounces (one ounce more than Leah, who was one ounce more than Cam)

 - 21 inches long (a half inch longer than Leah, who was a half inch longer than Cam)

 - Lots and lots of dark hair (well, not as much as Cameron... but does ANY baby have as much hair as Cameron did?)


Cameron and Aaron

Leah and Aaron
We are all doing very well. Cameron and Leah came over to meet their little brother this afternoon and LOVE him so much!  They were very sweet, taking turns holding him and giving him his first bath.  We are in the hospital overnight and then will most likely be heading home tomorrow.
Lots of love,

Tim, Kristin, Cameron, Leah and Aaron
Congratulations to Kristin and Tim, Cam and Leah and Aaron—Can’t wait to meet you!
Kristin, Aaron, Tim, Leah and Cam Walker

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