Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day!

Hope All Cousins enjoy Memorial Day and the weekend!

It was a very rainy two days in Maine, but today dawned sunny and sort of warm--I guess we will take it!

Thinking of all of our relatives, but today, most of all, our incredible cousins who served our Country, or still do (thinking of Ted's Jimmy in the Navy). THANK YOU so much!




  1. Hi, Pat!
    It was cool here. And it rained. It froze a couple days earlier. Kayte worked, so her kids were here - eating me out of house and home. I made a quadruple batch of Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies with dried berries last Friday and they are gone already! Gavyn can really eat! Darn teen years! They get out of school this week so my summer is totaly taken over.
    I love you lots!

  2. Mmemorial Day , as a child , used to be when we went to tidy up graves, usually Oakfield. Center Lisle was always neat! Then along came WW2 and it all changed for me! I never hear a parade but what I start to cry, prayers for all who were involved!

  3. I used to go to the Center Lisle cemetery to tidy up the graves with Grandma. CB's Aunt Lil. I really enjoyed that. Grandma was awesome to spend time with.
    Thanks for the reminder, Aunt CB.
    I love you lots!
    And to Pat - thanks for all the work you put into this site. I noticed that you have to be vigilant to keep the trolls off it.
    I love you!

  4. Kathryn,

    Yes, we are getting lots of spam. I try to keep on top of it!

    Thanks for your comments---love to hear from you. Saw a picture of Kayte's children--getting so big!

    Take care in this heat,


  5. And the Center Lisle cemetery! Gladys and I used to go there every time we got together and take an ice cream and sit and talk with Adin, Grandma, Etc! Next time I get there I will go talk with her and Philly!! Can't go wrong there!
