Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving, by Sue Kinsella and Pat Herdeg

Happy Thanksgiving, Dear Cousins! 

Here are some of the things for which we are thankful.

Dan Maffei Returns to Congress!
Taylor Baker Cousins give thanks that our cousin, Dan Maffei, was elected on November 6th to the U.S. Congress from New York’s 24th Congressional District, representing Syracuse and surrounding towns and countryside.
Dan defeated the opponent who cost him his previous Congressional seat. That 2010 defeat was by the slimmest of margins, less than 600 votes. This time, Dan, a Democrat, not only defeated his Republican opponent 48% to 44%, but won by a resounding majority even with a Green Party candidate taking another 8% of the vote.
Dan is the son of Neil Maffei, grandson of Leona Maffei, and great-grandson of Aunt Lil Baker Howland. Congratulations, Dan! We’re so proud of you and look forward to your leadership in the U.S. Congress!

Sue, Giving Thanks for
  • The wonderful Taylor Reunion in September
  • Dad/Uncle Jack recovering from a long hospitalization in September and October
  • Pat Herdeg recovering from a miserable pneumonia
  • Many Taylor Baker Cousins prepared for Hurricane Sandy and, fortunately, they all weathered it without serious damage
  • My family and all my extended family
  • Spending Thanksgiving with my son, Alex! Even though his college is only 60 miles from home, it seems I get to see him so much less than I had thought I would, so it's wonderful when we get a few days to spend together like we used to.

Pat, Giving Thanks

I am thankful for five years of this Cousins Blog! Thank you to all cousins -- some I have known all my life and some I have gotten to know well through email -- who have expressed encouragement, added ideas, pictures and stories, or commented on these stories. Who knows how many more stories or years are left to this blog of family history, but for the years we have shared this blog together, I am grateful. 

What Do You Give Thanks For? 

Please fill up the Comments page, we'd love to hear from you! Thanks!


  1. I- am thankful for
    1-My immediate family and their wonderful sense of humor [ inherited from their father!]
    2-All my relatives whom I hear from via letter, phone and this blog! I am so lucky!
    3- Those who have gone before us- as I think of each I know how they would have enjoyed this blog.
    4-Especially for Emma C Taylor and her mother- in -law, Cordelia W Taylor, who wrote endlessly in journals without which we would know little about the Taylors.
    5-For the GOD who watches over ALL- who is with us at all times - who is our ever present help.

  2. I should add that I am thankful for - and inspired by! - how my Mom/Aunt CB carries on with such energy and determination despite daunting hearing and vision challenges. The way she keeps up with everyone - including the ancestors! - and is always talking and visiting with so many people and helping answer their medical questions is truly awesome.

  3. BTW, did you know that our Baker ancestors were at the First Thanksgiving? Not only AT it, but were central to organizing it in the first place?

    This is a teaser for a story I'll write up and post in the next few weeks.

  4. I am thankful for technology that allows us to stay so connected even though so far apart. I believe I hear more about family now than I did when I was living in New York.
