Monday, October 1, 2012

The Dirty Girl Mud Run, by Mary Hawkes and Pat Herdeg

After the Run

Leave it to the Aunt Doris’ Hawkes family to find the most fun ways to contribute to a cause!

Mary writes:

“In September, a group of us cousins ran in the Dirty Girl Mud Run to raise money for breast cancer research. We all wore black patches under our eyes with ‘Doris Hawkes’ on them in her memory. It was an absolute riot and can't wait to do it again next year.”

So, now I had to figure out what this terrific mud run was!

The Buffalo mud run—for women only-- is one of sixteen across the country. It is an untimed obstacle course and a five K mud run. It was held at the Kissing Bridge ski slope, where thousands of participants confronted five kilometers of mud and obstacles as rain helped contribute to the muddiness of the event.

Practice Run to Get Ready

A few of the obstacles were: the H2OMG ( a water pit), a fifteen foot tall inflatable wall to get over, netted pits filled with mud that they crawled through ( named PMS or Pretty Muddy Stuff), the ‘get a grip’—a rope climb and a fourteen foot tall cargo net. Wow!

Mary Hawkes and her daughter Krissy and Cindy’s daughter Heather Walker Towlson all emerged VERY muddy!

Mary and Krissy

This sounds like such a great idea and so much fun!

Thanks, Mary, for sending this story and pictures on to us at the cousins blog!
CLEAN--Before the Run!


  1. This is SO what Aunt Doris would have done in her day!! Love it, Mary!!

    What a fun day to remember!


  2. I am sure Doris was thrilled to be so honored! Takes you back to your little kid days!!

  3. That's awesome! I wish I could have joined you. The event has "Aunt Dot" written all over it. Way to go, girls!
