Monday, September 17, 2012

Update on Brandy Kapp and Josh Hart-Wood’s Family, by Brandy Kapp

Here are pictures of Emma Hart-Wood on her first day of school. Little brother Adin is there to watch her go:

Adin Hart-Wood giving Emma kiss before she leaves for her first day of school

The night before the first day of school Emma didn't want to go to bed early.  She was upset and yelling out of her bedroom, "I'm not ready for this."  I reassured her that she would be fine and would be learning and making new friends.  The next morning when I woke her up she kept saying for two hours,  " I need to get dressed, my bus is on its way. Is my bus here ?  When’s my bus coming?"  She was so excited! Little brother kissed her good-bye and she was on her way to her very first day of school! Adin and Mommy didn't know what to do with our alone time together. We adjusted well. Mommy was a little upset because Emma's growing up so fast! But, I kept reassuring myself that Daddy's her guardian angel and watching down from heaven taking care of her. We are truly blessed ... Missing Josh ( Daddy) but, knowing he’s with us in spirit!


Adin, Daddy's little Mini-Me

Autumn's just about here and Emma and Adin have two BIG pumpkins that they are excited to sit on!! God Bless to all. I hope everyone is doing well.


  1. Brandy,

    Thank you so much for sending this update!

    We think of you all often.

    Adin is getting so big, and it's hard to imagine Emma is old enough for school!

    Take care,

  2. Such adorable kids! Funny how worried they can get about something as "easy" as kindergarten, but of course it's a HUGE change for them and they don't know what to expect. My son, Alex, was terribly stressed before starting kindergarten because he'd heard that it would include something called "recess" and he didn't know how to do that! By next week, Emma will be a kindergarten pro!

  3. oh how fast they grow! Seems as tho Adin was just born! And Emma in kindergarten! Hug them good for me.
