Sunday, August 19, 2012

Summer over the Years in Cousin Country!

It's been a hot and humid summer here in New England, and in most of the country. So, I attempted to cool off by looking at some of our cousins' summer vacations from years past:

Hawkes Family camping on the Quinebaug River, August 1961

Many cousins at a family reunion, Conesius Lake, August 1954

Aunt Ruth, Aunt CB, Corky the dog who LOVED boat rides, and Jim, August 1978, Otty Lake

July 1957 at Aunt Sylva's--Dan and Sue on the right

August 1962 at Sylva's farm--Little Tom looks out on cows and their treasures!

Stay cool, everyone, and enjoy the rest of Summer!


  1. Brings back such memories-- But notice that Ruth and I and Jim do NOT have in life jackets! Would have never passed the test today!!

  2. I'm struck by the Hawkes and Kinsellas 1961 camping picture at the top. I'm in the pink bathing suit at the top of the beach and that must be Cindy to the right of me, coming towards the river.

    What strikes me is that there are little kids in the river but I don't see any adults around. I know they were there and I know they took good care of us, so I'm not pointing this out as a critique. Rather, I'm comparing it to today, when the parents would all be right there by the kids at the water, hovering, even. Including me!

    Now, I can't tell where my Dad was when he took this picture - was he in a boat in the water? Was there a dock that went out just outside the right side of the frame and he's on the end of it? Is he in a hovercraft? As I said, I know the parents were all there, it's just weird to see a picture these days with kids by and in the water, with no parents in the picture. So different today!

    And, on another note, and this story has been told before, but notice the Pan-Tree. It's the tree just to the left of me (pink bathing suit), with the pans nailed to it. As Aunt CB tells the story, Aunt Doris finally had enough of hearing about how her sister had recently bought a wonderful old house (2846 in Rochester) with a fabulous pantry running most of the length behind the kitchen. "I have a pantry, too!" she exclaimed. "Right here!" And pointed to her Pan-Tree. Oh, I miss her!

  3. Still another comment on Doris' "pantree"-- A the old cottage on the kitchen wall I have painted her tree and I hang my pans on it ! A constant reminder of her!!

  4. During our visit to the Hawkes family at the Quinabog, we had a big bonfire every night. Above the roaring fire, Bud suspended a thick 5 inch log which, of course, eventually started to burn also. As we all sat around the fire Bud announced he had done this many times but had never been looking at the log at the exact instance where it burned thru and fell into the fire. “This time” he loudly proclaimed, “I’m not going to take me eyes off that log until it burns thru.”
    So there he sat staring intently at that log, occasionally taking a sip from a bottle of beer right next to his foot. I too was watching and finally I could see the log was almost burned thru and would fall any moment. It was then that Bud decided to take another swig from the beer bottle but since he was looking at the log, not the bottle, he misjudged where the bottle actually was and he knocked it over. He quickly turned and reached down to get the bottle before all the beer ran out. That’s when the log burned thru and Bud missed it –Again!!

  5. I don't have a memory of Aunt Dot's pantree and thought it figured into family lore before I was born, but by golly, there I am a wee baby in these pics. I must have seen the tree, though I don't remember.
