Sunday, July 1, 2012

July Birthdays 2012, By Pat Kinsella Herdeg

We’re going to start out the Birthdays for July with a HUGE shoutout to one of our favorite Birthday Girls-- Nancy Ethel Baker Taylor. Happy Birthday, Grandma! You would have been 125 years old the end of July. You are remembered in so many large and small ways—we love you!
Grandma Taylor, Also known as Ethel Baker Taylor

Elsewhere in the TaylorBaker family:

In Uncle Arnon’s family, Jack Lloyd Taylor (Arnon’s son), Carol Ann Taylor ( Arnon’s daughter), and Jillian Lockwood Wright (Stephen's daughter, granddaughter of Nancy Taylor Wright) all have July Birthdays.

 Jack Taylor, June 1994

Carol Ann Taylor Hart

Jillian Wright

Still in Uncle Arnon’s family tree--July seems to be THE Birthday Month for descendants of Robert—Bob—Taylor (who was the son of Arnon)--Three of his four children-- Robert "Robbie" Henry Taylor, Jennifer  Elizabeth Taylor, and  Barbara Ann Taylor (we'll celebrate his son Curtis' birthday in October),  and Tessa Anne Taylor, daughter of Jennifer Taylor, grand-daughter of Bob Taylor, blow out candles this month.
Bob Taylor, 1968
 Chris, Bella, Barb, Jacob and Judy
 Jen and Rob

Back Row--Barb, Jacob, Curtis
Front Row--Rob, Casey, Jenn, Krista, Tessa

Back Row--Judy, Casey, Rob
Front Row--Jacob, Barb, Chris Wood (Barb's husband)

In Aunt Leona’s family, Leona’s husband--Neil Carmen Maffei and their grandson Daniel Maffei have July Birthdays. We’ll be thinking of Dan this November as he tries to take back his NY 24th Congressional Seat in the US Congress.
Neil and Leona, 1977

Dan Maffei

In Aunt CB’s family, Kristin Kinsella Walker (Tim’s daughter), Patrick James Kinsella ( Chris’ son), and Chris’ wife-- Jeanette Dalle Kinsella, Alison Kate Herdeg ( Pat’s daughter), Jill Miller Kinsella ( Jim’s wife) all are July Birthday Kids.
 Jill Miller Kinsella and Jen Dalle Kinsella

 Kristin Kinsella Walker

Alison Kate Herdeg

Patrick, Bridget and Joe Kinsella

In Uncle Harold’s family,  MaryLou Taylor Spear ( Uncle Harold’s daughter), and Jeffrey Aaron Hauf ( Kathy Taylor’s son) were born this month.

On the Taylor side, Barry Ronald Taylor ( son of Rex, son of Floyd and so grand-nephew of Lloyd Taylor), is the Birthday Boy.

Carol and Jeff Hauf

Mary Lou and Uncle Harold

In Aunt Ruth’s family, her husband Thomas Francis Maney and her son Daniel Thomas Maney both are July Boys.
 Uncle Tom and Aunt Ruth

Karen and Dan Maney, 2011

In Aunt Gladys’ family, Gladys’ husband, Lester Wood, Lester Harry ‘Chic’ Wood, and Neal Robert Osterhout ( husband of Wendy Wood) blow out candles.
In Aunt Sylva’s family, Cookie Jenkins ( daughter of Christine, daughter of Sylva) is the Birthday Girl.

In Aunt Phyllis’ family, Helen Nase McPeek ( Phyllis’ daughter) has a July Birthday.

Lester Wood

 Neal Osterhout
Grandpa Chic and Emma Hart-Wood

Wow! What a lot of fun we TaylorBakers have to look forward to this month--Congratulations and Happy Birthday to all!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Everybody - Happy Fourth of July!

    And Happy 36th Anniversary today to Tim and Rosemary Kinsella. I remember flying home to Washington, D.C. the day after their wonderful wedding, getting there just in time for the fireworks celebrating the country's 200th birthday. Pretty spectacular - as are Tim and Rose.

    Love you all!
