Sunday, June 17, 2012

Jimmy Lochner’ s Homecoming By Pat Kinsella Herdeg

Seaman James Lochner
May 5th was our cousin Ted’s birthday. He had not heard from his oldest son, Jimmy, in a while.  Seaman James Andrew Lochner is a culinary specialist in the US Navy and it is difficult to find time to call home.
So, Ted and his wife Judy resigned themselves to hearing from him by way of a few text messages now and then. Imagine Ted’s surprise when he opened the door on that Saturday morning to see his handsome son standing there!  Jimmy had managed to combine Ted’s birthday and an early Mother’s Day for Judy—perfect!
 Jimmy and Proud Dad, Ted

Judy preparing a home-cooked meal for Jimmy

Jimmy was home on a short leave and the Lochners made the most of it—lots of food and family, flea market shopping and house renovating (well, to see the pictures that cousin Chuck sent, this is what I am guessing!).

Jimmy is back in San Diego now, waiting to board his ship, the USS Makin Island.

Ted and Jimmy
We wish him well as he travels, and we wish his Spencer, MA family well also!
Special Thanks go out to Chuck Lochner for these terrific photos!

And, this being Father's Day, Happy Father's Day to all the Fathers in our CousinLand, and a loud shout out to my own terrific dad, Uncle Jack, and my husband, Glenn.


  1. Wow, Ted sure looks great! Best wishes to Jimmy - so glad he could get home on these special days for his parents.

  2. Ted and JUdy are to be commended ! He looks great!! Good boy and just when his parents needed a boost up!!
