Thursday, May 10, 2012

An Update from Ted Lochner

Ted recently sent me this email and pictures. LOVED receiving it!
I have been waiting to get to a particular milestone to send photos and update everyone on my weight loss! I was heaviest last Men's Weekend at 316 lbs. I am now down to 205 lbs and still working at it to try to get down to high school weight, around 180 lbs. I now play basketball and am able to compete with 16-year old Andrew and several other 20-30 year olds, three-on-three games at my Health Club. Also, I play racquetball, lift weights, swim laps, go on hikes, and look forward to joining an indoor soccer league soon. I have enriched my life considerably! Here are the before & after photos contrasting June 2011 with April 2012. Please tell everyone to call me on my cell with any comments or questions at 508-277-2594. I look forward to hearing from everyone!

Ted in June of 2011 and Ted in April of 2012

I do know that Ted loves hearing from all of you, so please do call his cellphone and catch up with him! Ted, unbelievable what you have accomplished. And, I must say that I do so prefer you clean-shaven. Congratulations, Cuz!


  1. Ted, I am SOOO proud of you for doing this! And I am sure your Mom is also! She who walked miles to reduce and even took a course in Belly Dancing!!

  2. Ted, what an impressive (ongoing) accomplishment! You look terrific and it sounds like your life is much more fun now. Sending love to you.

  3. Congratulations and 'Keep-on-keepen-on'Pat your handsome self on the back for me, too...if you please..and a hug!
    Dawn (one of AuntPhyllies'girls)

  4. Ted, WOW! This is the first I've seen of you as a skinny guy. I love the comparison wearing the same clothes. You know how proud I am of you. You've added years to your life, and your family loves you for it. I agree with Pat. Instead of looking like Santa Claus, you look like the handsome brother I remember. Keep it going... Hugs & Kisses

  5. Oh, that is the Teddy I remember. I think you look great clean shaven and trim n fit!!! Way to go.
    Love ya cousin.

  6. Ted, It's really impressive what you've been able to accomplish! You look handsome without the beard, you look much healthier overall, and my gosh but how you've trimmed yourself down to tall, dark and handsome! Really proud of you and love ya much, cuz!
