Thursday, May 31, 2012

Memorial Day on the Cousins blog

A few pictures for Memorial Day, a bit late. Cousin Diana visited her parents’ gravestones at Fort Snelling in Minnesota. Since most of us will most likely never see it in person, I am so grateful that she sent these on to us.

Diana writes in her email:

“The saying on Arnon's stone was suggested by Jim. The saying on Maria’s stone is something that she would tell him at the Nursing home.

This National Cemetery is growing so fast it is staggering as Veterans get older and pass and those from more recent wars also take their place. SOBERING.”

Thank you Diana! June Birthdays will follow later in the month.


  1. Thank you for these photos. Living so far away many of us didn't(and don't) get to say goodbye.It had been years since I saw Uncle Arnon at Aunt Leona &Uncle Neils'. I spoke with him briefly when they were visiting MY SPECIAL AUNTIE DOT.After speaking with both of them, Aunt Maria said "I'll get off now because you two always go on and on with that huggy,kissy stuff."
    Memorial Day was first celebrated in Waterloo, N.Y; as many of you already knew. What an honor for those whom first gave thanks to all of our men and women,giving their lives for Our Country.
    Growing up, our mom and Dad(Phyllis & Bob) taught us about how our lives were 'free' because of them. School taught quite a lot more in the 1950s' and 60s',also.
    From becoming an active-duty,Regular Army Family for over 20 years;I learned so much more about the world and know firsthand how we are protected,having more appreciation for the many Blessings America has. It can never be said too many times. Freedom isn't free!

  2. Thank you Diana! The cemetery looks lovely and I am so grateful to see their gravestones and read the messages!
    Always think of Arnon as my big brother who made us so many playhouses also was a member of several of our family clubs!! {Thats a whole new story!}

  3. .....but to add a little humor to a sobering visit. As I was exiting the Cemetary - I passed where they would have a program with speakers etc later and there covered in a blue tarp was something that made me laugh. Some of you may not know that at 'some' locations they don't really have a 'Tomb of the Unknown Soildier" They have a Replica that is light weight foam type material. How do I know that? Many years ago working for a Congressman - we hosted a Veterans Tribute and we 'borrowed' the tomb. It was my job to drive the tomb back to Ft Snelling in a giant truck with another staff person. Going down the freeway - the lid blew off onto the median and had to stop the truck and chase it down. I am CERTAIN that no one else in this family ever did that - So it is hard not to remember it and smile whenever I see that item. (doubt if its still the same one though)

  4. Just doesn't make sense to me that we can't see them anymore. They're still so full of life in our stories. So glad to see their names here, though.

  5. Diana, thank you for taking the pictures and posting them so that we can all pay our respects to your amazing parents. They were so great. My daughters, when they were teens, looked forward to seeing Maria at the reunions. She connected with them real well. I cannot think of Arnon without thinking of lemon pies. drool. . .

    One of the things I love about this blog is that it helps keep the family in touch with each other. We can 'see' how Beth is in Japan. We can 'see' Arnon anad Maria's graves at Ft. Snelling in Minnesota. I really appreciate this blogsite.
    Pat, Thank you, once again, for this blogsite and all your diligent work on it. I love you lots.
