Thursday, March 1, 2012

March Birthdays 2012

Here in Massachusetts, our first bit of snow since the Halloween storm—nice to see the white stuff again! Now, on to the March Cousins Birthdays:
In the Older Generations, Diadamia Mott Youngs and her daughter, Kate Youngs Baker (mother of Ethel, Adin, Ruth, Lil) both were born in the month of March.

In Aunt CB’s family, Lucille Taylor Kinsella herself, and her daughters Patricia Kinsella Herdeg and Elizabeth Kinsella Sakanishi all celebrate this month.

 Aunt CB


In Aunt Leona’s family, Leona Howland Maffei herself and her daughter Carol Ann Maffei are March Birthday babies.
 Aunt Leona
Carol Ann, July 1955

In Aunt Glady’s family, Shawn Ann Wood, daughter of Chic Wood, granddaughter of Aunt Gladys, Beth Barron Smerchansky (daughter of Kathryn who is daughter of Gladys),  and Andrew Joseph Osterhout (Wendy’s son, grandson of Gladys) all celebrate this month.

Beth, Andy
In Uncle Arnon’s family, Bethany Robin Taylor Velasco (Jim Taylor’s daughter) and her son James Velasco,  and Salvatore Fiorello DeLuca   (Cynthia's son, grandson of Nancy Taylor Wright) are March birthday kids.

Lucas, Joel, James, Bethany
In Aunt Ruth’s family, Debra DeSio Maney ( Richard’s wife) blows out candles.
Colleen, Debbie
In Aunt Sylva’s family, Frederick David Emhof (Sylva’s son) is the Birthday Boy.
In the Floyd Taylor family, Dene C. Taylor, wife of Rexford Taylor, and her daughter Barb Taylor Salenbien and Cathy Taylor, wife of Barry Taylor (son of Rex, son of Floyd Taylor) are the March Birthday Celebrators.

Uncle Rex, Aunt Dene
In Aunt Phyllis’ family, Elsie Phyllis Howland Mudge  herself, and Alexis Henderson, daughter of Ron Henderson, granddaughter of Wendell,  and Dylan Edward Marlatt, son of Kathleen Henderson, grandson of Wendell, all celebrate.

 Aunt Phyllis

Alexis and Dylan

Congratulations to all! Have a terrific month, everyone!


  1. Pat, Happy Birthday today to YOU! I hope you have a lovely celebration day to start a great year.

    Thank you for all you do to weave our big extended family together.

    Love you lots!

  2. Sue,

    Thank you for the birthday wishes! So glad to have snow for my big day--we've had almost none all winter.


  3. How many of you know that our blogmaster has had heart surgery? She was born with a hole in lower ventricles and at 21 had to have surgery. It was posted for 7 AM so we knew to get there early to see her before she went to OR.When we arrived [ at before 6 AM] her bed was empty and I thought, " Oh No, they have not taken her early!" , then I heard a sound in the bathroom, went in to find her doing push ups on the floor, determined to be stromg for the recovery!!
    That is the kind of person Pat is! GREAT!!

  4. Happy Birthday Pat.
    Sorry about Manfred!

  5. To add to the Pat Stories - When she was in the hospital waiting to have open heart surgery, I visited her and was dismayed to see how extraordinarily tired she was, despite being only 21, because her heart was not getting her blood circulated strongly enough. I stayed while she ate her hospital dinner, which included peas. Whether from weakness or just an awkward spoon, she dropped some from her tray.

    "Pat!" I admonished, "Don't pea on the floor!" She got laughing so hard she nearly fell out of bed!

  6. I was reading through the birthday dates on the sidebar and noted that Great-Grandma Kate was born in 1864 and died in 1955. I was amazed to realize that I'd known someone born during the Civil War.

    Even more, I was amazed to realize that apparently she died when I was only four years old. Yet I have several very vivid memories of her, which I wouldn't expect of a four-year-old. She certainly made an impression on me. I found her fascinating.

  7. Wow! Such a wealth of comments!

    Yes, I do remember doing push ups to get ready for surgery, but Mom, I get that from you--try to be prepared for whatever comes our way.

    And, Sue, I often remember your 'pea' comment and smile. You were the person I had in mind when I put up Nancy's grandson Sal's picture with the mooching dog friends--such a quick punster is my oldest sister!

    And, Dad, yes, Manfred the ancient and huge tortoise at Seneca Park Zoo always DID get me into trouble!

    Love to all,

  8. I want to wish my Momma E. Phyllis Mudge a Happy 88th Birthday in Heaven today March 30th-Love Annie and all the family

  9. Annie,

    I know Aunt Phylly can read this, which ever cloud she is on!

