Saturday, January 21, 2012

Family Reunions--Summertime, Singing and CrackerJacks! By Pat Kinsella Herdeg

It is snowing and cold outside today. I LOVE winter, but all of this snow makes me long for the sunny warmth of summertime also. And, we all know that summertime means family reunions, whether they be at Uncle Harold's cottage, a pavilion at a nearby Finger Lake, or Aunt Sylva's farmhouse. Here are a few pictures to get you thinking of family get-togethers:

Taylor Reunion, 1989--Harold, Arnon, Ruth, CB, Doris

Sylva's home, 1955--Ruth in the forefront, Neil Maffei across the table, Charlie Lochner, Aunt Lil, Esther, Rick Lochner, Bob Coleman and Philly

September 1975--Wendell, Harold, Barb Taylor, Sylva

Taylor Reunion, 1983--We always had CrackerJacks!! And, as the night wore on, the songsheets came out and the singing began. Chuck Lochner leads us on his guitar and SpiderMan is my brother Chris (looks like he created that shirt himself, but I am not sure!).

Baker Reunion, September 1964 --Taughannock Falls State Park
Lots of Relatives here!

A huge thank you to my father, Jack Kinsella for taking so many pictures over the years at all of the family reunions--I have such a large number to pull from!

And, in this snowy January, a shout out to all of the Taylor Baker cousins sick or in the hospital this month. May you heal quickly, may your strength return tenfold, and may we soon be singing by the campfire and crunching through our box of CrackerJacks. Prayers to all of you!


  1. That campfire in the begimning looks like the Taylor Reunion!! Kathy, Annie, Gordy , Jack and myself will be "camping " at a Rochester hospital tomorrow [ Jan 23] while Harold has another patch of cancer removed from his head. He can use your thoughts and prayers!

  2. I know it is a long operation. Will be thinking of you all Monday.

    Will be sending prayers and healing thoughts your way, Uncle Harold!!

    Love you!!

  3. Monday Nite, So far so good! HE is in ICU and Drs feel good about what they did, Harold would not agree BUT- OK so far!

  4. Great pictures! We certainly have fun, and eat well, at our reunions

  5. CB - Thanks for the update on Harold. It is nice to know what to pray for.

    Pat, I love the post on reunions! I really miss them. So many great relatives in one place. . . .
    I love you all!

  6. Mom gives us an update on Uncle Harold:

    "His Surgery was a success and he hopes to go home tomorrow, if nurses can be available to daily change dressings. Today, he was in good spirits when Dad and I visited him."

    Uncle Harold, wish we could visit, but we are ALL sending hugs and prayers and thoughts your way!!


  7. I remember a lot of those earlier Reunion days -- or whole weekend back then. We sure had some good memories out of it all!

    My prayers and thoughts go out to Uncle Harold as he recuperates from the operation. Hope he's healing fine.

    Much love, Uncle Harold, and thanks for cavorting around the countryside with me when I was up for Family Reunion -- and then we culminated the good day with a Sled Dog --- yehhh!
