Friday, December 9, 2011

Aunt Leona's Funeral--December 2011 (New Photos as of 12/11)

Aunt CB writes:

"After a two hour wake for Leona Howland Maffei in Syracuse, we attended a very meaningful service to commemorate her death. She was buried in the family plot with her husband, Neil, daughter, Carol Ann and son, Joe.

In the afternoon we gathered at Francesca’s Cucina for a wonderful Italian meal, the kind of food Leona liked and a wonderful way to honor her."

Many thanks go out to Chuck Lochner and Wendy Wood Osterhout for taking photos during the day, and then getting them ready for 'publication'--Great work!

You will find their photos on the right hand side of this blog--under December Birthdays. Look for 'Family Reunions and Get-Togethers' and then click on the Link for Leona's Funeral.

 Back of Leona's Prayer Card
 Front of Leona's Prayer Card

 Laurel, Wendy, Freddy and Linda Emhof

Aunt CB, Abby, Dan and Uncle Jack


  1. Thanks for giving us a little bit of a window onto celebrating Leona. She was a generous, classy lady full of grace. Would love to hear the eulogies.

  2. Sue, my Aunt Leona was all that and more. What a great example she set for us to follow!
    I wish I could have been there for the funeral, but I could not. Thank you, Pat, for posting this. Those of us who could not go, can still sort of experience it.
    Thank you, Chuck, for being so generous with your pictures.
    Thank you, CB, for writting this. I realize that it had to be difficult saying "good-by". I love you all!

  3. I wanted so very much to be with the family to celebrate Aunt Leona's life.She will be remembered for so many things-a strong woman whom I admired very much. The weather was bad on top of Caldwell that morning-had come home from Kathleen's the day before so I could go. We had a lot of ice and snow. Thank you for sharing your pictures Chuck. Thank You CB for your writing on this-I send all my love from all of the Henderson Clan from Center Lisle. I am still not myself after losing my own father the same day as Aunt Leona. So hope everyone had a great day remembering a real special lady-I always loved her green bean, potato and tomato salad she always brought to the reunions. Love to you all. Joyce

  4. Joyce, hugs to you in thinking about your Dad. I'm so sorry for such a sad time for you.

  5. Yes, it was hard to lose Leona but she had endured enough! She was my mentor, I have her genes and we often spoke of the problems we shared! If, as I walk her path of deafness and sight loss I can do as well I will be a lucky lady! She will help me I know as all those strong Bakers up there are also in ALL our corners!!

  6. Please except my condolences ! May God be with the whole family through this time !! I know the feeling of sadness during the season . But, please remember our family and loved ones are at peace in heaven with Jesus and celebrating the holidays together watching over all of us down here !! Happy Holidays ... Emma, Adin and Brandy ( Hart-Wood family )
