Friday, October 14, 2011

Women’s Suffrage Debate—One Hundred Years Ago by Pat Kinsella Herdeg

In August of 1920, Tennessee became the 36th state to ratify the 19th amendment, giving the Women’s Suffrage Amendment the two-thirds majority of states needed to pass. Women in America could vote!

But, seven years earlier-- almost one hundred years ago--our ancestors were still debating this very topic, as evidenced by this newspaper article. The Oakfield, NY Grange held a debate, featuring speakers on both sides of the issue. As the newspaper article proudly stated “Most of the Speakers to be Women”.

Helping with the negative side, was our own twenty-year-old Floyd Taylor, twin brother to Lloyd, grandfather of many of us. Hmmm....

It would have been a fascinating debate to be at, no doubt about it. I think many of our female ancestors would have had a lot to say, if given the chance.

But, this article is noteworthy also for the second part of it.

Floyd and Lloyd’s younger sister, Florence, turned sixteen. Twenty-six of her high school friends, chaperoned by their teacher Miss Ethel Baker, surprised Florence with a birthday party complete with a candy pull, gifts-- including a ‘handsome silver mesh bag’, and refreshments.

As many of us know, Miss Ethel Baker would marry Lloyd Taylor two years after this surprise party.

As the national elections again ramp up, just a small family history lesson.

Thank you cousin Spencer Drown for sending along this newspaper article.

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