Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Storm of 2011 By Pat Kinsella Herdeg

What, No Halloween!!

That is the news in a lot of Massachusetts towns, including mine, Acton. As you look at the pictures, you can see why.

Saturday night into Sunday left us with only about four inches of snow, but that was enough to take down many of our towering oak trees, of which we were rightly proud.

All night long, we tried to sleep as we kept hearing 'Crack' and then 'Thud'. The closer the 'thud' the more we worried. Our truck, outside our garage because at the moment we have three cars, came inches from being smushed, and our roof took a hit--luckily a big branch and not a whole tree.

The next morning, without power since early the previous evening, the neighborhood was anxious to get back our power, but every one of our four streets had downed trees. NStar, our power company, would not come in--they wait for the towns to clear the streets.

We did see an NStar truck check out how bad we were--could they get through and begin to work? Neighbors raced door to door to find chainsaws and gather people. Soon, a work crew took over clearing out streets and pulling trees out of the way. The 'chain saw gang' must have cleared six or seven trees. They saved the day as NStar fell in behind them and did their magic.

We were lucky--after only 24 hours and seriously cold houses--we got our heat and electricity back. Many in town will have to wait until Wednesday, they tell us. Other nearby towns have 50-80% of their residents without power.

With so many downed lines and branches, Halloween has been postponed in Acton--WHAT do I do with all of my candy?!

Enjoy your Halloween--I KNOW we will remember our 2011 Halloween!


  1. Good to hear how you all fared in Acton. I don't remember Halloween ever being postponed or cancelled, but I do remember Halloween ice storms from when I was little (just a couple of years ago).

    One of those, I remember being awed by how all the trees glistened, covered in ice. Another, I remember going out trick-or-treating with Dan and Tim. Little Tim, trailing his paper trick-or-treat bag behind him (and being so young that he was also quite short), ended up back at home with no candy - all of it had trailed out behind him through the hole quickly worn out in the bottom of the bag by the wet snow. I'm sure Dan and I shared our candy with him, but I bet we took out our favorites first!

    Glad to hear you were alright, Pat. Branches falling on the roof! Glad it wasn't trees.

  2. Pat, if that were me I'd have slept in the basement! Would have not slept a wink waiting for the tree to fall on ME!!

  3. I love Celtic Thunder and anxiously awaited the release of "Storm". It's has its moments, but it's not as good as I had hoped it would be.
