Monday, September 19, 2011

Taylor Reunion, 2011 By Pat Kinsella Herdeg

Check the right side of the blog for a link to any pictures of the Reunion as they show up in my email box! Thank you, Dad aka Uncle Jack for these!

 Aunt CB and Jon Maney
 Uncle Harold Taylor
 Jim Kinsella and Elliott Catherman
 Leah Walker and Olivia Rooks
Dave Lochner and Dan Maney

Another Terrific Reunion! As always, it was at Uncle Harold’s place on Cayuga Lake. Now, mid-September can bring all kinds of weather, and the Taylors show up no matter what, but luckily, this Saturday was a nice and sunny day for visiting with relatives.

Of the 29 cousins, (thanks to Nancy Taylor Wright for the cousins chart!), 18 turned out, along with their families, so there was a large amount of us! Aunt CB and Uncle Harold were the elders of the group, along with Aunt Barb’s sister and Uncle Jack.

The Food, as always, was varied and there was plenty of it. We had all sorts of salads, meatballs, sausages, veggies, fruit salads, cookies, brownies, elderberry pie and Tom’s Loon Cookies. NO ONE went hungry!!

Little Leah ( 16 months) and Olivia ( 13 months) had fun walking around deciding if they wanted to play with each other. The other kids remembered each other and were soon climbing trees, playing cards, seeing what objects they could launch into the lake, and creating general mayhem. Oh wait, that was their parents doing most of that.

A new winery just opened up down the street, so that had to be taste-tested.

Charlie Hawkes and Pat Kinsella Herdeg have a bet with the Jets versus the Patriots. The one with the worst record will wear the other team’s shirt next reunion, along with fitting remorseful words on the back of the jersey. Since the Patriots will win this bet, I can’t wait to see Charlie next September.

Once again, Kathy and Annie did a phenomenal job getting this all organized. Thank you!

It was so good to see everyone, even if I did not get long enough with ANY of you. Hope your autumn is kind to you. Love you all.

1 comment:

  1. This was a GRAND reunion! Only complaint, never enuff time to talk! Lots of people and a good representation from each of LLOYD and ETHEL children's families. Ruth , who never missed a reunion, would have been thrilled to have 3 of her 4 boys there!
    and to see little Leah Walker [ Tim's grandaughter [ 15 mo] and Olivis Rook [ Ann Catherman's grandaughter- 13 MO] eye each othet was to see the next generation's beauty queens!
