Friday, August 5, 2011

Lloyd and Floyd Taylor’s Births by Pat Kinsella Herdeg

Our thanks again to Cousin Diana for finding our Great grandmother Emma’s diary from the year of 1892, AND for sharing it with us all!

To set the stage: It is1892—Emma and Bryant Taylor have five year old Clara and four year old Leon. They live in Springville, NY at this point in their lives, with Bryant working in a store with his partner, Mr. Winner. On May 31st, Mr. Winner’s wife Hattie, by now close friends with Emma, dies in childbirth.

Emma is expecting her baby early in August.

August 4th, 1892: “Some cooler today. I am feeling real well but people outside seem to think I am sick or something they send me in so many flowers. My arrangements are made for the advent—Mrs. Johnson (the midwife who will help the doctor) shown what is necessary. We are ready. May God be with us. I am trying to keep myself calm, and to borrow no trouble, but shall be so glad when all is over.”

Friday, August 12th: “Little did I think when I wrote last that all would be over so soon. Here I am sitting up in bed writing. My twins a week old tonight. God has indeed been with us so far. I have not dared to think how we are to manage two babies.

A week ago I got up before Anna (her sister) and Bryant, started the fire, so as to get my bread kneaded before breakfast. I did not feel so very good but a little later in the day felt better, kept busy. Later, my pains kept getting worse. I met the doctor at the door, sent Bryant after Mrs. Johnson and got myself to bed. I wasn’t at it long before work began in earnest and about six , or soon after it, two babies were here—two boys.”

September 7th, 1892: “So they are over a month old. They weighed six and seven pounds apiece. We call them Little Carson and Little Taylor now. Cannot seem to find names to suit yet. Little T. is not so strong as C, but real bright.

November 16th, 1892: “Father and Mother’s 40th Wedding Anniversary (Bryant’s parents, Cordelia and Daniel) at their house. The morning rainy. The babies are baptized by Mr. Manley too on this day, which makes it famous. We call them William Lloyd and Daniel Floyd.”

December 31st, 1892: “God bless my four lovely children for sweeter little ones never lived. I think I am happier now than I ever have been.”

1 comment:

  1. lucille/grandaughterAugust 5, 2011 at 10:49 AM

    Happy Birthday, Daddy!
    But the one I must thank and think of so often is his mother, Emma Carson Taylor! She kept a jopurnal all of her married life and while we do not have all of her diaries we have enough to know something of her life and therefore her children. Thank you, Emma , for the time you took to record this for "those who follow" as you wrote in one book! WE DO appreciate all your effort and love you!
