Saturday, May 21, 2011

Springtime and Sunshine!

Well, a bit of sunshine after a full week of rainy weather has me thinking of weather around the cousins’ country. Everyone is out mowing their lawns and weeding and putting in bushes and flowers—springtime in New England!

Here in Acton, Ma, we Herdegs have a sunny day with chance of showers. At almost noon, it is 63 degrees and I just finished washing both the car and the truck.

This afternoon, we hope the Boston Bruins can win another playoff game against the Tampa Bay Lightning. Later tonight, we’ll definitely be watching the Boston Red Sox and the Chicago Cubs continue their first series against each other in ninety-three years. To celebrate, tonight they will wear uniforms from the 1918 World Series they played together.

But, back to weather. Around the country,

--My sister Sue, living in Novato, CA will enjoy of a day of sunny weather and 70 degrees

--My cousin Judy, living in Sarasota, FL will also have a sunny day, but the temperatures will get up to 88 degrees

--My cousin, Kathryn Barron, living in Kent, OH has a partly cloudy day to look forward to, and temps in the 70’s

--Julie Lochner Riber, in Louviers, CO sounds like her day may not be the best, weather-wise—isolated thunder storms and cloudy with temps up to 63 degrees.

--Diana McCarty in Buffalo, Minnesota has a day of rain, with temperatures perhaps breaking the seventies

--Joyce Henderson, in Center Lisle, NY sounds like her day is like Diana’s—cloudy, rainy (STILL RAIN!!!) and in the 70’s

Overseas, Mitch in New Zealand will have a day of sun and clouds and 57 degrees

--Beth in Chiba, Japan has night, but she will have light rain with 75 degrees

--New found Livingston-Carson-Taylor cousin Muriel in Shotts, Scotland has perhaps the worst forecast—heavy rain and only 48 degrees

So, is my forecasting right?

Tell us what your weekend was like—weather-wise or otherwise!


  1. Land sakes above!! I had no idea you were a weather forecaster!! Nor so clever with the computor as to be able to find all this stuff! There is no place to hide from your kids today!! Good idea tho, today is Sunday and sunny and warm! Last day of Rochester's lilac festival which had to cancel 3 days earlier in the week because of heavy rain!! Bus trips from all over USA all wiped out!! What a crazy sprng!

  2. Whew! Either we all survived today's predicted cataclysm that was supposed to result in the Rapture or this is heaven!

    It's wonderfully sunny here about 20 miles north of San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge. Maybe not quite 70 because it's breezy, but not far off.

    The jasmine that winds up a wooden pillar and then covers a trellis over our door is about spent, as is the purple wisteria on the trellis over the sidewalk. But the motel across the street just planted a whole bunch of graceful, willowy palm trees.

    Yesterday I spent a couple hours in a friend's backyard garden in San Francisco, near Golden Gate Park, and admired her brilliantly blooming lavender, petunias, orange California poppies, daisies, lobelia and so many other wonderful flowers, as well as flowering quince and plum trees. She's turning her lawn into a lovely meadow and she sent me home with a bunch of fragrant cherry-colored sweetpeas.

    Oh, and the tree near our house that my brother Jim's girls discovered during their visit in April is still filled with deliciously sweet-tasting oranges underneath its leafy silhouette.

  3. My goodness!

    Well, we here in New England can't compare to the beautiful flowers of California, it seems.

    We DID however, during an afternoon hike, discover that mosquitoes and poison ivy ARE out in force here!

  4. Well, Mitch is not experiencing the New Zealand weather as he is in Toronto, visiting his daughter, Shiloh, and husband,Matt. They return to Le Roy tomorrow until Sunday when they wind up their holiday with 4 days in Hawaii.
    They wanted to see the lilacs, so we are going to try to go Tuesday. Please, no rain!
    I have no comments on our western NY spring!!!!


  5. Evelyn,

    Give our love to Mitch!

    Good luck on the weather--I love the lilacs of Rochester.


  6. We had a beautiful weekend.MOSTLY sunny and in the 70s. Some showers. My daughter Beth and her husband cut down a tree in their back yard that needed to go.
    My yellow irises are starting to bloom and my purple Siberian irises will be soon.

    I am really glad that saturday was so nice. A friend of mine and her husband celebrated their 43rd anniversary by getting married again. Their reception was to be outdoors. So fun!!
