Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving, 2010: By Pat Kinsella Herdeg

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

I hope that every one of you is enjoying this Holiday with family and friends, lots of food, pies, laughs and stories.

I give you these pictures to remember the good ole days, and the joy of feasting on different types of foods.

Love to all, and may all of you enjoy a nap on the floor this afternoon, after eating ohh so much turkey and stuffing.

Picture One: Aunt CB and Uncle Jack Thanksgiving 1998 or so.
Picture Two: A nutella crepe enjoyed by my daughter, Alison, recently in France
Picture Three: Thanksgiving 1971 at Uncle Harold and Aunt Barb’s house—From the left side of the table, Aunt Barb, Dan, Beth, Judy, Ann at the head of the table, Tom, Jim, Tim, MaryLou and Chris in the high chair


  1. I am Thankful for those that continue to share the interesting history and stories.

  2. Yes, I well remember the Thanksgivings we had together with the Harold Taylors! We alternated houses each year and one year, maybe the one pictured, Harold taught me a new "poem" about a young man from Boston, as we waited for Dan to arrive from that area.
