I know we are NOT near to New Year's Day, but I see that some cousins on facebook have yet MORE snow as of yesterday; so here is one last burst of winter before surely Spring shows its face?!
This blog
story is by a special correspondent—Elizabeth Taylor who was the sister of our
Daniel Rockwell Taylor, great grandfather to Aunt CB. Aunt CB has some old
letters tucked away, and I spent the better part of an evening poring over the
small writing trying to decipher words.
Readers of
the blog know Elizabeth Taylor Sizer. She was born in 1830 and died in 1852, so
she was 21 years old when she wrote this letter to her brother Daniel.
She married Albert Sizer in July of 1851, and
spent much of that first summer tending to her brother Daniel, who left Yale
very sick. The next year Elizabeth bore her son and died days later, but not
before naming her son after her favorite brother. The story is told in more
detail here:
The town
the Taylors live in is Alabama, New York, a small community halfway between
Rochester and Buffalo.
At the
time of this letter, Daniel is away at Yale, Elizabeth has not yet married ‘Mr.
Sizer’ and all seems joyful ahead of them.
Oakfield January 19, 1851
Dear Brother,
We received your letter dated January 11 last night, and
were very glad to hear of your continued good health and happiness.
Perhaps you think it is my turn to plead guilty, for not
writing sooner. I have many excuses but I think one will suffice, and that is
this --Mr. Sizer was here between Christmas and New Year's, and wrote a long
letter to you which I concluded by the length must contain all the news, both
in the kitchen and parlor, and I finally came to the conclusion that I would
delay writing for a few days at least, and perhaps something new would
transpire. But the snow has been so deep most of the Yorkers have housed up for
the winter, and as we are not so well supplied as we were before the emigration
to the steam sawmill, and as the roads are so we could not attend church, I
thought I would employ the time in writing. (Editor’s Note: Elizabeth will go on to marry Albert Sizer in less than
six months; it does not sound like the family knows this yet. Perhaps Albert
wrote to Daniel telling him about it).
Oh! Daniel I wish you had been here New Year's for we had a fine
time outdoors especially. Imagine yourself in a place where the snow is some
less than 4.0 feet deep, the wind blowing so hard that the sheep have to brace
themselves against the fence to keep from going away, and the snow flying in
all directions, and you can form some idea of the outdoors prospect at least in
old Alabama, New Year's Day.
We had a rousing fire built up in tother room, (not much
like your city fire I reckon), ditto one in the kitchen and then what do you
think we did? Well! We didn't do nothing, no I guess we didn't but we stuffed a
dead goose and then put her in the oven to roast. About 10 o'clock, if you had
looked through one of them big telescopes you have heard tell about, one of
them 'ere things what big men look through and seen such wonderfications on the
moon, you probably would not have seen Elliot and his better half (their older brother and his wife, Sarah,
married one year earlier) wading through the snow up their ankles, but they
like hard and weatherbeaten sailors put on bold faces and braved the storm
manfully and thus came off conquerors, leaving their white antagonist none the
better for interfering with the plans of others.
Daniel Taylor, later in life
The other guests did not make their appearance, however we
had quite a little party of Taylor's, and enjoyed ourselves first rate,
especially about 4 o'clock for about this time the roast goose looked very
tempting and but few in old Genesee worked much harder than we did, as we sat
around the long table, levered with geese, chicken pies, plum puddings, bison
cakes, with a little cabbage on it, with many other things too numerous to
mention, justice was done to them all.
you Elizabeth for writing letters! I wish we had a picture of you, and perhaps
in the future, through finding Sizer cousins, we will find one, but I did not
think a picture of your grave would be appropriate. In this letter, you are so
alive and filled with energy, thoughts and love. Again, an ancestor I wish I
could sit down with and get to know over coffee (or tea?).