Wednesday, May 26, 2010

More on Chic, or Lester Wood, by Brandy Kapp

Pat Kinsella Herdeg writes:

Kathryn Wood Barron wrote about her brother Chic’s death back in February --see the posting on February 9th, 2010 for the full blog story.

The Cousins site recently got a comment on that story that I felt would be buried both by the time that had passed, and the stories that ran after--so I am putting it front and center—here!—for all to see.

To catch everyone up, Kathryn had this to say in her comments after her story:
“When Beth and I were visiting him that day (the day Chic died) in the hospital, he was out of it. I told Josh that since Chic was like that, I could tell all the dirt about what he did in our childhood. Chic's belly jiggled like a belly laugh. Josh had been on the road a lot and that day was the only time we were both there. I think Chic waited for that.

Josh is Chic's son, for those of you who do not know this. Josh is the one who is handling everything. He is a young guy but is doing quite well really. Chic would be proud of him.

Well, today I went to the get together in Mercer for Chic. There were lots of pictures of his life around. There was food and music (country, of course) and people who knew my brother. He was even there. At least, his ashes were. He would have loved it. Josh and Brandy did real well.”

This comment, as I said, is new, and from Brandy, fiancée to Josh:

“First of all...this is my first time being on this wonderful family website. Thanks to Aunt Kathryn who told me to visit ... I'll introduce myself.. I'm Brandy Kapp and I'm engaged to Joshua Wood!! I want to say "Thank you" to everyone.

The support we got for Lester Wood ( "I call him DAD" ). The Memorial services that we had went well and Josh and I want to Thank everyone who came and supported us!!

We had two services, the first one was in Mercer, PA near Chic’s Salvage Grocery store that he owned and operated for over 20 years. It was held in an Auction House where Chic would go and sell and buy things for his hobby.

Thank you to the wonderful friends and Family that attended that service. That's the way Chic would have wanted it!

The second service we held was in Center Lisle, NY, in the month of April. We took Chic (DAD) up to his home town back to the Center Lisle Church and had a beautiful service once again with all Family!! Then we took Chic (Dad) back to Port Crane and laid him to rest with his oldest son Richie.

We wanted to honor him with his wishes to the fullest. It's hard to overcome the hurt and pain of losing a loved one. But we always know that Chic's here around every one of us in Spirit!!

Joshua & Jonathon are Chic's youngest Twin boys. Chic waited for them to come together and hold his hand before his passing. It's hard to say Chic passed away holding hand in hand with his Twins the evening before their birthday. So now the boys have a reason to Celebrate their birthdays knowing that Chic their Father is no longer suffering and in a much better place.
I have to say that Chic was a Great Older Brother, Husband, Father, and Most of all a Wonderful GrandFather !!

Thank you ~ Joshua Wood and Family.”
Picture One is of Gladys and Lester

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Uncle Harold's Birthday, Part Two!

Picture One: Dinner Time
Picture Two: Dinner Time
Picture Three: Gordy, Rick, Jim Kinsella, Jim Alberts
Picture Four: Judy and Jimmy Alberts
Picture Five: Dinner Time

Uncle Harold's 80th Birthday!!

Happy Birthday to You....
Uncle Harold turned Eighty on May 20th, and Ann tells me that they had a terrific birthday dinner, with rib-eye steaks and asparagus and corn, and of course, Cake.
Yesterday, the Big Party was held, and as you can see, everyone had a great time!

We ALL wish we could have been there, Uncle Harold,
BUT, for those of you who could not make it, here are some pictures from the Great Event.
Thank you, Uncle Jack for being the photographer!
And, Can I just say--TWO Birthday Cakes in ONE Week!!! Whoo--eee! Wishes DO come true.
Love to you,

Picture One: The Birthday Boy
Picture Two: The Birthday Boy and his Big Sis
Picture Three: The CAKE!
Picture Four: Memories
Picture Five: Uncle Harold and his Girls--Ann, MaryLou, Harold, Kathy, Judy

Monday, May 17, 2010

Florence Baker Young Leet, By Aunt CB

Florence, sister to Byron, was a feisty little lady, a soul who spoke out and called things exactly as she saw them. She married a man--Frank Young-- a widower much older than she was (he was 59 years old when they married and she was 31 years old, a 28 year difference). Both were important in Ethel Baker Taylor’s life.

Her husband, Frank, was born in Allentown, PA, and during the Civil War, had driven an ambulance in the fields. He was a conductor on the D.L.& W. Railroad (Delaware, Lackawanna and Western) for fifty-two years, and as such, lived in the company hub, Scranton, PA. Florence, although raised a country girl, really enjoyed the bustle of the big city and its many conveniences.

She particularly made use of its services when her mother, Nancy Borthwick Baker, came to visit, for there was a ‘Carnegie’ (library) near them and Nancy read rapidly and widely. Frank’s job offered free passes for travel, therefore, when Ethel was teaching in East Orange, NJ, his route between Scranton and New York City allowed him to escort her to and fro and to visit her occasionally to check on her housing arrangements with a family and to help oversee her finances. Vacations Ethel always returned home to Center Lisle, but by way of Scranton where she stayed a day or two; Florence was a kind, loving and interested aunt.

When Frank retired in 1920, they returned to Center Lisle to a small hillside farm on the Caldwell Hill Road, very near the center of the village. At this point, her older sister, Nell, and her husband, Dell, lived near, and Lillian and Elmer Howland, Ethel’s sister and brother-in-law, owned and ran the general store in the community.

Further up the hill lived Florence’s sister-in-law, Kate Young Baker, with her son, Adin, who owned and worked the family farm. Florence’s small farm (fifty acres?) originally belonged to Leonard and Nancy Borthwick Baker.

Frank lived until 1933 when, at age 86, he died of cancer of the stomach. Florence, lonely, remarried Newton J. Leet, eighteen months after Frank’s death. Newton was a butcher and old acquaintance of Florence’s, but I don’t remember him at all.

Adin, Florence’s nephew, worked the farm for her. He gathered hay from the upper slopes and stored it in her barn for the cattle, as well as plowing and helping her to plant a flower and vegetable garden ( I remember how scary a ride it was on the wagon, when, piled high with hay, Adin, pants low on his hips and standing at the front to control the horses, would guide them down the hill at a diagonal to thwart its steepness.).

Florence did the weeding and harvesting of crops. She also kept one or two cows, milked them morning and night, and churned butter for sale at the Howland General Store. Chickens roamed freely there, ducks too, and their eggs she also offered at the store. At one time, I remember a pig or two. Ethel always liked to stop there for a visit and drink a glass of buttermilk after a dusty walk down the hill from her childhood home to her sister’s store.

Florence’s home was filled with beautiful china that she had handpainted. She’d learned how to do this during her years in Scranton. In fact, she’d encouraged Ethel to purchase a set of plain white French chinaware, suitable for painting. She taught her how to paint a gold edge on the rim of each piece with special gold paint, and the serving pieces she painted roses on herself. A lovely set for twelve which was always our ‘good’ china for use on Sundays and for company when we were growing up.

I do remember in the early and mid 1930’s, Aunt Florence’s yard. The house was a rambling old place, set back from the road. A long driveway separated it from the big barn to the right of it. In front of the barn, between it and the road, was a big pond where lived the biggest bullfrogs a body EVER saw (of course, I was little then). At the side of the house facing the barn, was a long, covered porch, shaded with vines in the summer. It was here I can still see her, churning away, patiently waiting for the butter to ‘come’. Aunt Lil always said that Aunt Florence made the best butter of anyone around, but she had to say so carefully as her own mother, my grandmother, made some for the store too.

In the front yard, between the house and the road, was the most exciting thing, though. Aunt Florence called it a ‘round a-bout’ and I’d never seen one before. We spent hours running along side this circular ten foot diameter wooden platform, one foot on and one foot pushing from the ground, then hopping on for a ride when it got up to speed, our hands clutching the waist high supports. We rode miles in a circle!

Aunt Florence’s last years must have been lonely. I don’t know when Newton died; I do know that finally, desperate to gain someone to care for her as she grew old, she found a family that was congenial and deeded the farm over to them in return for her being cared for by them. It seemed to have worked out for her. She did love my mother, though. She was always so pleased to see her, and they could spend hours talking about ‘the old days’.

Both Frank and Florence are buried in the Center Lisle cemetery on the hill behind their house.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Story Behind a Photo: Aunt Lil’s Store--By Eleanor Ticknor, Town & Village of Lisle Historian

Here is some information on the history of the Howland store building you might be interested in:

The building that became Elmer and Lillian Howland's store first belonged to Reuben Rood. He donated his property in 1830 to the newly formed Congregational Church and services were held there until a new church was built in 1856.

The old church/Howland's store building had been located where the present church is today and was just moved over. An old map in the 1850's shows the building to be an Academy so school was held there. I'm guessing this was for higher education classes as a district school (grades 1-8) was located on the west end of Main Street. In 1869, a two room school was built in the village where grades 1-8 were taught. I don't know anything more about the Academy.

In the old picture of Center Lisle at the top of this story, you can see down Main Street from the bridge.

Howland's store is on the left, then the church. The entrance to the store would have been right there facing Main Street. In 1932, that bridge was removed when the highway (Route 79 today) and bridge were relocated to the other side of Howland's store.

Therefore, the entrance to the store was moved to the other side of the building facing the new highway. The old highway was too curvy. When it was straightened, it bypassed Center Lisle altogether.

Picture One: Center Lisle Main Street Before Road Changed
Picture Two: Aunt Lil’s Store
Picture Three: As you can tell, the store in this picture has changed its entrance to face the new road

New--But Old--Picture of Rhoda!

Please scan back to the story by Dawn on Rhoda--April 27th--to check out the new picture of Rhoda as a young girl, with Sue Kinsella and Pat Kinsella.
--Click on the month of April on the right and it should take you right to the story....

I cannot remember the picture being taken, but I KNOW we had fun--we always did, visiting the Center Lisle girls....



Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day! By Pat Kinsella Herdeg

Mother’s Day got me thinking about mothers, and cooking terrific food, and then kitchens, and then, aprons. A bit ago, Mom sent me an email about aprons—it conjures up wonderful memories:

The History of Aprons

I don't think our kids know what an apron is.

The principal use of Grandma's apron was to protect the dress underneath, but along with that, it served as a potholder for removing hot pans from the oven.

It was wonderful for drying children's tears, and on occasion was even used for cleaning out dirty ears.

From the chicken coop, the apron was used for carrying eggs, fussy chicks, and sometimes half-hatched eggs to be finished in the warming oven.

When company came, those aprons were ideal hiding places for shy kids.And when the weather was cold, grandma wrapped it around her arms.

Those big old aprons wiped many a perspiring brow, bent over the hot wood stove.Chips and kindling wood were brought into the kitchen in that apron.

From the garden, it carried all sorts of vegetables. After the peas had been shelled, it carried out the hulls.In the fall, the apron was used to bring in apples that had fallen from the trees.

When unexpected company drove up the road, it was surprising how much furniture that old apron could dust in a matter of seconds.

When dinner was ready, Grandma walked out onto the porch, waved her apron, and the men knew it was time to come in from the fields to dinner.

It will be a long time before someone invents something that will replace that "old-time apron" that served so many purposes.

--Author Unknown

So, yes—to aprons! Certainly, I could use an apron—the spaghetti sauces and blueberries seem to fly onto the whitest spot of my shirt every time I step close to the stove.

In my mind’s eye, I see Grandma Taylor opening the stove door and bending to take out a pie, using her apron as a very large pot holder….I only notice the smell of the pie, the bubbling of the berries, and I hope that we will be called soon to the table, and I hope that I can beat my brothers for a seconds, if any seconds are to be had….

So, on this Mother’s Day Weekend of 2010, May all Mothers, and all Cooks enjoy a little time to themselves. And, next time you pass that group of aprons in a specialty store—think about buying one, for old times sake!

Picture One: Grandma Taylor and Uncle Dick Lochner, December of 1960
Picture Two: Grandma Taylor, Little Jimmy, Aunt CB at Otty Lake, Canada, July of 1965
Picture Three: Aunt Ruth Maney, Pat Kinsella, Jon Maney, December of 1960
Picture Four: Dave Lochner (or Chuck?),Mary Lou Taylor, Dan Kinsella, Sue Kinsella, with Grandma and Aunt Barb—in apron—in back.
Picture Five: Arnon boys (??), and then Rick Lochner with present, Tim with back to camera, and Aunt Esther—in apron—watching all. Far right, Maney boy??. Taken at Christmas, 1957
Picture Six: Aunt CB, Aunt Barb, Uncle Jack, Thanksgiving at 2846 in 1967

Monday, May 3, 2010

Welcome to the World, Leah Kate Walker!

Congrat-ulations go out to Kristin Kinsella Walker (Tim's daughter) and her husband, Tim Walker, and their son, Cameron.

On Saturday, they welcomed a daughter, Leah Kate Walker to the world. During a outdoor barbeque with Tim and Rose, Kristin's water broke, so they sped up the dinner, but NOT before Kristin managed to get to her dessert....!

Here is how they described the event:

At 11:37 PM on Saturday, May 1st, Leah Kate Walker was born. She weighed 8lbs 6 oz and is 20.5 inches long. She has a full head of black hair and has been absolutely wonderful. Cam came this morning at around 11:00 and got to spend about two hours with his little sister.

Leah brought Cameron a present - a book about zambonis! Cameron gave her a thank you kiss and then promptly ignored her while he had everyone in the room read the book to him!

Leah and Mama are both doing well.

Wow!! Leah Kate is a beauty!

Picture One: Leah Kate
Picture Two: Cameron and Leah
Picture Three: Tim Kinsella and Leah
Picture Four: Tim Walker, Leah, Cameron and Kristin

Saturday, May 1, 2010

May Birthdays, 2010: Part One—

Happy May Day!

Here is to a month of lilacs and warming sun—the beginnings of summer. May you dance around a May Pole, or leave May Baskets anonymously on doorsteps—but do find a way to celebrate—it has been a long, dreary, and WET winter!

To help us celebrate, here are the TaylorBakers who enjoy birthdays this month:

We’ll start with Uncle Buttsie himself, as he turns the grand young age of 80 this month-- Harold Baker Taylor, and Carol Elizabeth Hunt ( wife of Jeff Hauf, son of Kathy Taylor) both are May Birthday Kids. Add a birthday card to your shopping list and send it to Uncle Harold on May 20th.

In Uncle Arnon’s family, Jean Wilcox Taylor (Jim’s wife), and Cynthia Wright DeLuca (daughter of Nancy Taylor Wright) celebrate their births this month.

In Aunt Ruth’s family, Sean Francis Maney ( Dan Maney’s son) has a birthday this month.

Picture One: Cynthia
Picture Two: Carol and Jeff Hauf
Picture Three: Harold shoots the chute at Algonquin Provincial Park, 1983
Picture Four: Harold, 1983
Picture Five: Patrick and Sean Maney

May Birthdays, 2010--Part Two:

In Aunt Doris’ family: Kristy Hawkes Colley ( Charlie and Mary’s daughter) celebrates this month.

In Aunt Lil’s family, May is a Big Birthday Month—
Joyce Ann Tillotson Henderson ( Wendell’s wife), her daughter, Kathleen Amy Henderson, and Joyce and Wendell’s son, Ronald Wendell Henderson, and Lawson Ray Henderson (son of David and Patsi, grandson of Wendell and Joyce) are all birthday kids.

In Aunt Leona’s family, her son, Joseph Maffei , and Sara Louise Maffei and Andrew Carmen Maffei (twins of Neil Maffei Jr.), blow out candles.

In Aunt Sylva’s family, Michael Emhof (son of Freddy D, son of Sylva)celebrates.

Picture One: Kathleen, David, Joyce, Lawson, Justin, Ron from the Baker Reunion, August 2009
Picture Two: Ron at the Baker Reunion
Picture Three: Wendell and Joyce’s farm, Center Lisle
Picture Four: Kristy and Eowyn
Picture Five: Joey Maffei, September 1975

May Birthdays, 2010: Part Three

In Aunt CB’s family, Matthew Thomas Kinsella (Tim’s son), and Bridget Laurel Kinsella ( Chris’ daughter) celebrate in the Month of May.

In Aunt Esther’s family, F. Theodore Lochner, and Wesley Allen Riber ( Julie’s husband), both blow out Birthday Candles—

Picture One: Matt, taken at Lake George reunion, August 2009
Picture Two: Bridget, taken at Lake George Reunion, August 2009
Picture Three: Ted, taken at the Baker Reunion, August, 2009
Picture Four: Wes and Julie, taken 2008
Picture Five: Julie and Pat, taken a few weeks ago—okay, so neither of us have a May Birthday, but I LOVE this picture!!